About Me

Www. Littlekofee.com represent about art, music, hobbies and most importantly the story of Kofee and her sisters, the two mixed-breed dogs. Every story in life, there will always be three dogs.

Referring to the art of painting that has been on the website, the artist mainly picks the important figures from another era to be referenced in the painting. Unfortunately, the era has evolved rapidly, this causes the stories of these referenced figures to gradually fade away. Almost of the referenced figures were in the 1950s, going back a long time. In that era, it would be exciting to see when something new happened like the first pop song, the first lighter or the first jeans. “Who thought of these?”

Relevantly when mentioning about music and a hobby “Woodworking”, is what I am interested in that is not less than painting. It's just that, there might not be many stories except ideas that I want to write about. If there is a chance and the perfect time, I will try to share new stories to be read or watched as videos. I secretly think that in this era, what percentage of people will click on to the website to read blogs? At least, writing something is always a great way to pass the time.

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